A few months ago, the Montreal Improv executive team – consisting of Marc Rowland, Vinny Francois and Bryan Walsh – contacted me to design a new logo for the theatre. After several in-depth consultation and brainstorming sessions, dozens of back-and-forth iterations and a few respectful discussion-arguments, we created the logo you see above on the right.
We wanted a fresh new look that conveyed both the professional and light-hearted aspects of improvisational theatre. Modern. Clean. Fun. (But not too silly.) Dignified. Welcoming. Social. Playful. The butterfly is great for that.
The three words of “School, Theatre, Community” capture the essence of Montreal Improv. It was important to clearly communicate the main functions of the brand so that outsiders would understand immediately what might be offered to them.
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The inclusion of an abstracted animal – in this case, a butterfly – added so much depth, richness and symbolism to the design. While a purely text-based design is more simple, the butterfly motif prompted several appropriate interpretations:
– The butterfly represents metamorphosis or the process of evolving
– The butterfly is in flight, quickly and lightly moving forward, improving
– The butterfly effect is where a small change (in a scene, for example) has important consequences later on
After many months, it feels great to see it being released into the wild. These past few days have been like watching a butterfly fly for the first time. Thanks to Marc, Vinny and Bryan for getting in touch with me and being a great team to work with.
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