I do improv.

I play with Montreal Improv’s House Team “Doreen” and in a two-man troupe called “Out In Beaumont” with my roommate Mark Rostrup. I also like to apply ‘improv principles’ to my artwork; back in 2014, I did a project called ARTPROV, the first ever art-and-improv show at Montreal Improv Theatre.

I do performances.

In addition to playing in and opening for regular shows at the theatre, I have also improvised for kids and for adults at summer camps and talent showcases externally. Mark and I were even invited to perform out west in the Vancouver International Improv Festival, one of the largest of its kind in North America.


I do workshops.

I can run workshops with small groups of all skill levels whether it’s a new group completely new to improv or an emerging troupe looking for a new coaching perspective. I can tailor the line-up of exercises to your goals, whatever they may be.

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Need someone to run a beginner improv workshop?
Looking for a coach to push your troupe to the next level?
Send me an email!